गो प्रेमी संघ

गो प्रेमी संघ
गाय बचेगी, देश बचेगा !

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Ambulance Godham Pathmeda

Ye ambulance godham pathmeda prerit goseva samiti banashkantha ki hai ye seva aabhi banashkantha patan ahmedabad dist me uplabdh hai aagame varshme pure gujrat me ye shuvidha uplabdh hogi.....ye seva shirf deshi govansh ke liye hai...jay gomata jay gopal.gohelpaline.no.8000020111 (2 photos)

12 टन गौ का मांस भरा ट्रक पकड़ा

आज (29Sep13 ) सुबह करीब ८ बजे तापी जिल्ला के मठी गाव के पास गौ रक्षा रक्षा दल गोधरा और सूरत के कार्यकर्ता गौ रक्षक श्री गौतमभाई रावल और उनकी सहयोगी टीम ने गौ का मांस भरा ट्रक GJ-9-Y- 8506 को पकड़ लिया । जिसमे से 11575 KG गौ मांस मिला । 
आरोपी पर FIR दर्ज करवाई गई हे । 

आरोपी के नाम : 
1. Idrish Haji suleman hayat
2. Abbas haji suleman hayat
3. Javet idrish suleman hayat

address : dhutiya plot mohamadi masjid godhraye hai baradoli ke pi jinone aj 12 ton gaumansh bhara truk pakdne me gau rakshya ko help kiye jay gau mata

श्री गो धाम महातीर्थ पथमेड़ा- वहा दुध -दही की नदिया बहने वाले भारत का दर्शन हो जायेगा

वहा आपको दुध -दही की नदिया बहने वाले भारत का दर्शन हो जायेगा
हरी ॐ मित्रो .....!हम जब उस भारत की कल्पना करते हँ जिस भारत में दुध -दही की नदिया बहती थी तो उस भारत को सिर्फ कल्पना में ही देख सकते हँ लेकिन आपको प्रत्येक्ष देखना हँ तो श्री गो धाम महातीर्थ पथमेड़ा (दुनिया की सबसे बड़ी गोशाला )जाइये वहा आपको दुध -दही की नदिया बहने वाले भारत का दर्शन हो जायेगा श्री पथमेड़ा में श्री गिरिराज धरण मन्दिर जहा से परिक्रमा शुरू होती हँ उसी के पास एक वाटर कूलर लगा हुआ हँ जिसमे छाछ डाली हुई हँ वहा के गो सेवक ने हमें बताया की 24 घंटे भारतीय देसी नस्ल की गो माता की छाछ भरी रहती हँ कोई भी पि सकता हँ....!काश येसा पुरे भारत में हो जाये जरुर होगा....? रुकना नही हँ ....!थकना नही हँ....!एसे ही लगा रहना हँ गो माता की सेवा में .......... सभी को share करके इस भारत का दर्शन करवाइए ....? —



RS Chauhan
Centre for Animal Disease Research and Diagnosis
Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar–243 122 (UP)
Email: jdcadrad@rediffmail.com

            Different hereditary characteristics of breeds and even types within a breed have resulted in difference in reactions to environmental stimuli. These reactions are intimately associated with anatomical-physiological characteristics, which have developed as the result of natural selection. Indigenous breeds, as the name suggests, have been identified with a particular area or people from time immemorial and are thus considered to be adapted to some of the environmental stresses. The degree of successful adaptation of such animals is accurately reflected in their ability to grow, to reproduce regularly and in their production.
            Indian breeds of cows are also developed in thousands of years of evolution process and are well adapted in diverse geoclimatic conditions of the country. As a result these breeds are able to survive even in harsh dry and hot environment of Rajasthan on one side and in wet and cold climate of hilly areas of Uttarakhand without much management requirements. In order to understand the resistance of indigenous cattle breeds, it is better to have an idea of immunity/ resistance in animals.
            Immunity is the resistance of body against extraneous etiological factors of disease, which is afforded by the interaction of chemical, humoral and cellular reactions in body. This is an integral part of the body without, which one cannot think of life. During the process of evolution, nature has provided this defence mechanism in body of all living creatures particularly of higher animals and man that protects them from physical, chemical and biological insults. It can be classified as natural or paraspecific and acquired or specific immunity.
Natural/ paraspecific immunity
            There are some species resistant for a particular disease due to presence of natural resistance against them e.g. Horse, pig, cat are resistant to canine distemper virus; dogs are resistant to feline panleucopenia virus, chickens are resistant to anthrax. Even within species, there is natural resistance that protects some individuals while others are susceptible e.g. Indian Deshi (Zebu) cattle (Bos indicus) is quite resistant to piroplasmosis in comparison to Bos taurus. Besides, there are the mechanisms or barriers in body provided by nature, which are:
·         Skin and mucous membrane prevent organisms from gaining entrance in body
·         Mucous prevents from infections by trapping and keep them away.
·         Saliva, gastric juice and intestinal enzymes kill bacteria
·         Tears, nasal and GI tract secretions are bactericidal due to presence of lysozymes.
·         Phagocytic cells such as neutrophils and macrophages kill bacteria through phagocytosis.
·         Natural antibodies acts as opsonins and helps in phagocytosis.
·         Interferons have antimicrobial properties. They are host/species specific and arrest the viral replication.
·         Interleukins, cytotoxins and growth factors stimulate the immune reactions and inflammation
·         Natural killer cells kill targets coated with IgG.

Acquired/specific Immunity

            Acquired immunity develop in body as a result of prior stimulation through antigen. It is specific to a particular antigen against which it was developed. It can be restimulated on second or subsequent exposure with antigen and thus, it has memory for a particular antigen. It differs from natural immunity in respect of prior stimulation, specificity and memory. It can be classified as humoral and cell mediated immunity. The immunity present in fluids of body mainly in blood. There are antibodies in serum of blood, which protect body from diseases. It is specific to particular antigen. Antibodies are formed in blood as a result of exposure of the foreign substances including bacteria, virus, parasite and other substances.
            Antigen is foreign substance, which is able to stimulate the production of antibodies in body. They may be of high molecular weight protein, polysaccharides, and nucleic acids. Simple chemicals of low molecular weight are not able to induce immunity. However, they may be conjugated with a large molecular weight molecules such as protein then they become antigenic and induce antibody production, such substances are termed as haptens.
            Antibodies are protein in nature present in serum and produced as a result of antigen. Antibodies are specific to antigen. Most of the microorganisms have several antigenic determinants and antibodies are produced against each antigenic determinant specifically. The antibody response to antigen can be enhanced if the antigen is released slowly in body. There are several substances like oils, waxes, alum, aluminium hydroxide, which may be added with antigen so that it is released slowly in body to



increase the antibody production. Such substances are known as adjuvants. Antibodies are also known as immunoglobulins as they are the part of globulins.
Immune response
            The antigen when enters in body of animal is trapped, processed and eliminated by several cells including macrophages, dendritic cells and B-cells. There are two types of antigen in body i.e. exogenous and endogenous. The exogenous or extra cellular antigens are present freely in circulation and are readily available for antigen processing cells.
            The endogenous or intracellular antigens are not free and are always inside the cells such as viruses. But when these viruses synthesize new viral proteins using biosynthetic process of the host cells, these proteins also act as antigen and are termed as endogenous or intracellular antigens.
            The processing of antigen by macrophages is comparatively less efficient as most of the antigen is destroyed by the lysosomal proteases. An alternate pathway of antigen processing involves antigen uptake by a specialized population of mononuclear cells known as dendritic cells located throughout the body specially in lymphoid organs. Such dendritic cells have many long filamentous cytoplasmic processes called dendrits and lobulated nuclei with clear cytoplasm containing characteristic granules.
            Antigen presenting cells process the exogenous antigen and convert into fragments to bind with MHC class II molecules. Such processed antigen along with MHC class II molecule and certain cytokines such as IL-1 is presented to antigen recognizing cells (T-helper cells). Macrophages also regulate the dose of antigen to prevent inappropriate development of tolerance and provide a small dose of antigen to T- helper cells. However, if the antigen is presented to T-Cells without MHC class II molecule, the T cells are turned off resulting into tolerance. On an average, an antigen presenting cell possesses about 2x105 MHC class II molecules. A T-cell require activation by 200-300 peptide- MHC class II molecules to trigger an immune response. Thus, it is estimated that an antigen-presenting cell may present several epitopes simultaneously to T-helper cells. A counterpart of T- helper cells also exists and known as suppressor T-cells (Ts cell) which suppresses the immune response. The viral encoded proteins, endogenous antigens are handled in a different manner from exogenous antigens. Such antigens are bound to MHC class Ia molecules and transported to the cell surface. Such antigen and MHC class Ia molecule complex triggers a lymphocytic response i.e. T-cytotoxic cells (Tc-cells). These cytotoxic T-cells recognize and destroy virus infected cells. However, there is some cross priming leading to cell mediated immune response by exogenous antigens and humoral immune response by endogenous antigens. Some lymphocytes also function as memory cells to initiate secondary immune response. On antigen exposure, there is a latent period of about four to six days and only after that serum antibodies are detectable. The peak of antibody titre is estimated around 2 weeks after exposure to antigen and then declines after about 3 weeks. During this primary immune response, majority antibodies are of IgM type where as in secondary immune response, it is always predominated by IgG.

Disease resistance in Indian cattle

            In the world, India is the only nation in which most of the natural environmental conditions are available within the same region. The Indian cattle breeds developed and adapted themselves under various natural circumstances. In the past, the agricultural activities were good but there was huge taxation on the farmers due to which they could not rise properly and didn't maintain themselves. Under such circumstances, the cattle could avail coolers and air conditioners in the summer or heater in the cold. There was pressure on the cattle to work in the natural geoclimatic conditions. That's why the Indian cattle breeds develop resistance against diseases, natural calamities as well as the variable environmental conditions.
            Some of the disease resistance features reported in literature or experienced by author are summarized in the following Table.

Name of disease
Disease Resistance in the Cattle
Cross bred/ Exotic breeds
Indian Cattle
Tick resistance
Highly susceptible
97.84%, Resistant
Highly susceptible
Low susceptibility
Highly susceptible
Highly susceptible
Heat Resistance
More resistant, till 40.5°C
Cold resistance
Susceptible to diseases in freezing temperature
Resistant upto freezing point
Solar Radiation Resistant
Highly susceptible
Highly resistant
Cancer Eye
Less resistant
More resistant
Hot tropical humid and sub tropical dry conditions
Less resistant
More resistant
Abortion (Brucellosis)
Black Quarter
Less Resistant
More Resistant
Foot and Mouth Disease
Less Resistant
More Resistant
Haemorrhagic Septicaemia
Highly susceptible
More Resistant
Gastro intestinal parasites
Less Resistant
More Resistant
More Resistant
Insect resistance
More Resistant
Survival Rate under Indian conditions
Resistance to BHV-1 Infection (IBR)
Resistance to Post Parturient Diseases
Resistance to rotavirus infection in calves
Highly susceptible
Highly resistant
Retention of Placenta
Horn Cancer in Bullocks
            During their evolution Indian cattle (Bos indicus) have acquired genes that confer thermo-tolerance at the physiological and cellular levels. Indian cattle breeds are better able to regulate body temperature in response to heat stress than are cattle from a variety of B. taurus breeds of European origin. Moreover, exposure to elevated temperature has less deleterious effects on cells from zebu cattle than on cells from European breeds. Superior ability for regulation of body temperature during heat stress is the result of lower metabolic rates as well as increased capacity for heat loss. As compared to European breeds, tissue resistance to heat flow from the body core to the skin is lower in zebu cattle while sweat glands are larger. Properties of the hair coat in zebu cattle enhance conductive and convective heat loss and reduce absorption of solar radiation. At the cellular level, genetic adaptations to resist deleterious effects of elevated temperature result in pre-implantation embryos from zebu being less likely to be inhibited in development by elevated temperature than are embryos from European breeds. Besides, all the above properties, there are some of the common qualities in our pure breeds. Their skin is having sweat and sebacious glands which secrete an oily fluid act as repellent to the insects and mosquitoes. It also decreases the rate of infections. In case of chlamydial abortion, Johne’s disease, babesiosis, tuberculosis, mycoplasma, leptospira, brucella pneumonia and diarrhoea, our native breeds show better resistance. The globulins level in the blood of pure Indian breeds is more while creatinine level is less than that of the cross or exotic breeds.
            The antibiotics and/or vaccines show their positive actions. However, if the animal is immunodeficient either due to genetic makeup or as a result of environmental factors, antibacterial drugs do not give full results. As most of the antibacterial drugs are bacteriostatic in nature, they do not kill the bacteria rather they check their growth and bacteria have to be killed by macrophages through phagocyotosis. Similarly, vaccines do not mount protective immune response in immunologically weak animals and thus, disease outbreaks occur inspite of vaccination. As such, even if we have therapeutics and preventables to protect animals from various diseases, the primary requirement of disease prevention remains on the ability of animal’s immunity.
Utilities of biproducts
            Medicinal use of cow urine has been in practice since time immemorial in India. The panchgavya principle of Ayurveda consists of cow urine besides other products like milk, ghee, butter milk (matha), dung as its main ingredients. The preliminary studies on immunomodulation with cow urine generated interest among the scientists. The cow urine distillate (Kamdhenu Ark) was found to increase immunity in mice. It also increases the phagocyte activity of macrophages and secretion of interleukin 1 and 2. Recently, the cow urine has also been granted US Patent for its synergistic properties with antibiotics and as bioenhancer. It provided the base for further research and detailed studies on immuno-modulatory properties of indigenous cow urine and its comparison with the urine of cross bred and exotic cows, buffaloes and goat using modern biotechnological tools. As per an estimate made by WHO by the year 2020, the antibiotics will no more be wonder drug. Then in such situation, Panchgavya (cowpathy) will play a major role in prevention and control of infections in man and animals. It is an established fact that most of the antibiotic drugs have lost their capacity by way of increased resistance in bacteria.
            The phagocytic activity of macrophages was enhanced by 104% in mice treated with cow urine in comparison to controls. Cow urine given to the poultry birds in water as an alternative to antibiotics demonstrated excellent immunomodulatory properties in addition to the increase in the egg production and egg quality of the layer birds. In another important study effect of cow urine on the lymphocytes damaged by pesticides was observed. It was found that the cow urine decreases the apoptosis caused by the heavy metals in avian lymphocytes. Thus, corroborating to some extent with the findings that cow urine helps in repair of broken DNA. The antioxidant properties of cow urine distillate protects DNA and repairs it rapidly. The cow urine distillate protected the chromosomal aberrations caused by mitomycin-C in human leucocyte culture. Similarly, cow urine was found to be a very good antioxidant. Cow urine has a high antioxidant status as indicated by its ability to destroy the free radicals.  If we look into the fact of apoptosis, it starts with fragmentation of nucleic acid (DNA) into oligonucleotides of 200-300 bp. Several studies are suggestive of its properties to repair damaged DNA and thereby protecting cells from suicidal activity enhanced due to pesticide/any other chemical residues. Cow urine has immense potential of being used as an immunomodulator particularly alongwith antibiotics and/or vaccines in order to enhance their activity.
            Indigenous cows show resistance to many diseases and under field conditions they are quite refractory to several infectious diseases. On the other hand besides milk, they also provide “Panchgavya” which is utilized as immunomodulator and thus they are much more useful than any other animal under Indian conditions particularly for organic farming.

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